The MJT TNT app alows the MM's to accept trades routed to them by Floor Brokers for their approval or rejection.
The TNT app also keeps track of updates of previously accepted TNT's.
The MJT TNT app can send or initiate a TNT betweeen on floor MM's when the exchange both supports and approves it. The MJT TNT app has a History of the last 30 days trades so it is very helpful in next day trade dispute resolution.
MJT offers a small TNT application that resides on the desktop of the floor based AMEX Market Makers. The application is networked via the exchanges floor VLAN's and is free to existing connections.
MJT offers a small TNT application that resides on the desktop or Server of the floor based ARCA Market Makers. The application is networked to the exchanges TNT Gateway via the MJT Network. ARCA Floor users will need VPN or cross connectivity to MJT's Network, MJT will provide this access free to existing connections.
MJT does not have any users on the PHLX or CBOE floors that use our Trade Notification applications at this time but we would likely be able to support you. Please inquire!